Tag Archives: Casey Jones

KCCP Member of the Week: Allen Jones

We are pleased to introduce you to yet another fantastic cosplayer of KCCP! Allen Jones is a fairly new cosplayer that has since jumped in head first. He’s one of the most enthusiastic members, eager to make more costumes and get more involved within the cosplay community.


How did you get into cosplay?
I’ve always been a fan of it ever since I can remember. From video games, movies, comics, etc. I got really into Steampunk about 5 years ago, and started working on an outfit for that. Since then, I’ve always thought about doing a video game/comic cosplay, and started working on a Casey Jones and Rocket Raccoon this year.

How many characters are you currently cosplaying and what are they?
At this moment, I just have my Steampunk finished.


What’s your favorite cosplay you’ve done so far and why?
So far, my Steampunk outfit. There are so many things you can do with it; you’re only limited by your imagination. I am very excited for Rocket Raccoon, though.

What’s your favorite way to craft?
Until recently, I’ve mainly only worked with leather.  I’ve just started working with EVA foam though, and I have enjoyed it quite a bit.


What’s your favorite crafting item to work with and why?
I really enjoy sewing leather with wax coated thread…not sure why.

What are your cosplay goals (e.g. professional, hobbyist, charity, gateway to another career, etc)?
After I finish the two costumes I’m working on right now, I’ll be focusing on modding all of the guns and random things I have stockpiled, and starting an Etsy page to sell them. I would love to gradually increase my involvement in selling items that I have made, and would ultimately like to make it a full time job.


What’s your dream cosplay and why?
I’ve always wanted to cosplay Dash Rendar from Star Wars.

What advice would you give someone who wants to get into cosplay?
Pick your favorite character to start out, and go for it. Even if you don’t think you have the skills to do something “amazing”, do what you can and learn from experience and mistakes. You’ll get better as you do more and spend time with other people that cosplay. Don’t get discouraged by amazing looking creations that you don’t think you’ll ever be able to do. You don’t need to look like you just walked off of a movie set. Some people have a lot more time and money to put into cosplay than other people do. Having fun is the most important part.


What other interests do you have outside of cosplay?
I like video games a lot. Mainly RPGs. I really enjoy shopping at second hand stores and random other places for possible Steampunk projects such as weapons, clothing, and other odds and ends. I like watching movies and TV with my wife. Star Wars is my favorite movie/series and The Office is my all time favorite TV show. I’m not really “into sports”, but I like the NFL, the Kansas City Chiefs, and Fantasy Football quite a bit.

If you could have dinner with one fictional character, who would it be and why?
Michael Scott from The Office

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